Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of GemsYouMissed.com, first and foremost, require that all Users, Subscribers and Customers abide by all laws and regulations you have wherever you may be (locally) as it pertains to the usage of this web site.

Users may distribute links to GemsYouMissed.com Blog Posts in Print and / or electronic form to any individual unless materials included are not licensed by you or contains explicit, dangerous or fraudulent links.

Unless expressly permitted, you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on GemsYouMissed.com.

Unless the User owns the rights to acceptable submitted materials, the User must not republish as their own work (including on other sites), sell, rent or sub-license material from GemsYouMissed.com.

Non-Acceptable Materials include, but may not be limited to User Content which is threatening, defamatory, abusive, spam or spam-like, likely and / or intended to offend, contains personal information of others, contains adult nudity, inappropriate child nudity or other objectionable content, encourages unlawful activity or otherwise violates any laws.­

We at GemsYouMissed.com reserve the right to restrict access to any / or all areas of GemsYouMissed.com at our discretion; Users must not circumvent or bypass any access restriction measures on GemsYouMissed.com.

GemsYouMissed.com does not target children under the age of 18. By using the the web site, Users acknowledge that any User Content or other information provided to

GemsYouMissed.com that contains the Personal Information of children is provided solely by, and with the full consent of, the parent or guardian. GemsYouMissed.com does not knowingly collect or solicit any information from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to register as Users on the Site. In the event that we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child under age 18 without parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as reasonably possible.

Users further agree not to use GemsYouMissed.com to display User Content which is defamatory, abusive, threatening, spam or spam-like, contains adult nudity, inappropriate child nudity or other objectionable content, contains personal information of others, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. In addition, you may not upload or link any content which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other computer programs that are intended to damage or interfere with the web site or the content or data of any of GemsYouMissed.com users.

Payments Processing

When the Customer pays for items on GemsYouMissed.com, it is with the understanding that the Customer is legally authorized to make such purchases. Customers’ orders are provided to the web site for processing through a third party payment gateway vendor whose terms and conditions are specific to the specific payment gateway vendor. Unless other arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis, all payments will be made in U.S. Dollars. Customers are responsible for all relevant taxes, charges and fees associated with the sale.

We are not responsible for fraud, personal injury, death or criminal activity perpetrated due to Users’ personal negligence and / or interpersonal activities outside of the business of GemsYouMissed.com.

We may find the need to revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The Terms and Conditions as laid out in this form represent the “Current” Terms and Conditions as of the date published. GemsYouMissed.com reserves the right to change any information, services and/or merchandise at any time at our sole discretion without explanation.

If Users breach the Terms and Conditions herein, GemsYouMissed.com reserves the right to warn Users formally, suspend or block access to the site and/or bring legal charges if necessary for breach of contract and/or fraud. If the User has a Blocked or Cancelled account, the User is not then permitted to open alternate accounts to circumvent said User’s blocked account.

You can contact GemsYouMissed.com by filling out the Support Form if you have any questions regarding these Terms.

We at  GemsYouMissed.com reserve the right to restrict access to any / or all areas of GemsYouMissed.com at our discretion; Users must not circumvent or bypass any access restriction measures on GemsYouMissed.com.